Morning Motivation: How Do You Start Your Day Before Your Students Arrive?

Finding the motivation to get out of bed and go to work can sometimes be a difficult task, especially on Mondays! And if you’re anything like me, you might have had a restless sleep riddled with thoughts about the classroom tasks that must get done tomorrow. Of course, sometimes, as educators we struggle to see the value in taking time for ourselves during our hectic schedules.

But what if we allowed ourselves 10 minutes each morning, 10 minutes just for us? In fact, these 10 minutes can be used to think about our dreams and reflect on our goals and ambitions, and they can go a long way. So, without further ado, we’re bringing you a little #mondaymotivation that you can use each week to get you going!

Four ways to start your morning with motivation

  • Journaling

Mel Robbins creator of Mindset Reset encourages you to take 10 minutes out of your morning to journal. Write down ideas, dreams, goals or the must-dos for the day ahead. Journaling allows you to focus your thoughts and clear your mind.

  • Choose to walk or bike

Walking or biking to your school instead of sitting in your car will get your endorphins moving. This also allows you to breath in the quiet morning air before the hustle of the day begins. This morning exercise can also lower blood pressure and make you feel energized.

If you have to drive into work, find a motivational podcast to listen to during your ride in. It may help you be more creative throughout the day and mindful of your choices. Best of all, there are countless choices you can enjoy during your commute.

Mediation and yoga in the morning is a great way to start your day and focus your mind. Meditating or practicing yoga has been known to reduce stress and anxiety.

Tonight, place your technology devices outside of your bedroom. Wake up right when the alarm goes off (don’t press that snooze!). Reserve that first ten minutes for you and your morning inspirations.

Starting your day with intention and purpose, can result in

  1. Anchoring your mood to something positive
  2. Zoning in on the important aspects of the day ahead
  3. Embracing the positives in your life

And for more related tips check out, you can also check out our previous posts on 10 Ways to Reenergize over Winter break and 8 Ways to Prevent Teacher Burnout.