Joy Wenke


Joy Wenke, our CEO, has worked in both urban and rural areas for more than 33 years as a bilingual teacher, coach, and as an educational consultant. She understands the hard work and dedication it takes to be a teacher. Throughout her career, the majority of the students she taught were identified as English Language Learners. Along the way, she got her M.S. in Educational Leadership as well as an administrative credential. In reflecting on the goal for students to become proficient at reading and writing complex informational text, it is her professional opinion that we are all academic English Language Learners. Her passion is to help teachers grow in their personal practices. She facilitates educators to better meet the needs of all their students by purposefully and meaningfully using academic language across the content areas in speaking, reading, and writing.

For the last several years, Joy has been providing professional development to teachers on lesson design, execution of instruction, as well as conducting model lessons with students. Working with professional learning communities, she coaches teachers on the analysis of student work for the purpose of designing powerful and engaging instruction. One of her primary goals is to help teachers incorporate strong oral language practice in collaborative ways with their students in order to support academic language development in both speaking and writing across the content areas.

As she works in different schools and districts across the United States, one of the most frequent comments from teachers when attending trainings is about the amount of time that it takes them to write their plans for the substitute. Spending 1-2 hours writing comprehensive plans adds just one more thing to do to the already overwhelming “to do” list. As a result of this problem that teachers face, the Daybreak Team developed a website to help teachers meet this need for quality substitute lesson plans in less than 10 minutes. Making your mornings easier is our goal.

You can read more about Joy’s dynamic and interactive teacher learning sessions, including coaching, model lessons, and collaborative planning, by visiting her personal website at