FREE Resources for Our Daybreak Community Members!

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Activity: Egg-cellent Race

Your students will have an “egg”citing time running through a relay around the classroom, having to stop at each work station to complete a problem without dropping their egg (all before the timer runs out)!  Create question cards to link to the current content in your classroom and watch as your students work in teams to solve problems and earn points. The challenge is carrying an egg on a spoon when moving from one question to the next. This activity can be adapted for grades K-5.

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Printable: Expanded Form Practice

Your students will enjoy playing this game as they take a number from standard form to expanded form! All you need is this printable, dice, and a pencil!

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Activity: St. Patrick’s Day “Minute to Win It”

Download this St. Patrick’s Day themed “Minute to Win it” Game for your students to complete 1 minute tasks as they work together in teams!

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Printable: Comparisons Posters

Download these engaging printable posters to go over greater than, less than, and equal to with your class.  Included are 3 full pages for you to post in your classroom, and 1 page of printable cut out cards for your students to use in an interactive notebook, for games, or in their folder as a resource. For Grades K-5

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Activity: How do Polar Animals Stay Warm?

Want to teach your students how polar animals stay warm? Using Crisco & Ice Water this activity will help your students learn how animals that swim in the ocean (such as penguins, seals, whales, sea lions, elephant seals, and walruses) stay warm. Read a book about one or more of these animals to start the conversation about how these animals stay warm in extreme cold conditions. For K-5

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Printable: Place Value Mats

Use these place value mats to have your students practice taking a number from standard form to word form, model form, expanded form, and give the value of each digit!

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Activity: Valentine’s Day Chain Link and Writing

Have your student’s create this fun Valentine’s Day Chain Link while they practice asking & answering questions, listening, and then writing their answers in complete sentences.

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Activity: Winter Adjectives

Follow this activity to get your students circulating through the room as they identify adjectives, all the while practicing with Listening & Speaking skills.

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Printable: Scientific Method Poster

Use our Scientific Method printable to help your students visually through the Scientific process.

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Activity: Puffy Snow Paint Craft and Writing

Kids love to play in the snow in the winter! Why not bring the snow inside with this winter themed craft and writing activity? Use your favorite snow or winter themed picture book to kick off this activity and get students excited. This activity gives you the directions needed to make your own paint that will dry puffy and resemble snow! (Grades K-5)

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Activity: Creating a Growth Mindset

Focusing on the concepts of success, effort, mistakes, courage, dedication, persistence, and risk, you can help your students learn to master a growth mindset. What better way to set your students up for success in 2018, than to teach them to learn with a growth type of mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. (Grades K-5)

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Printable: Compound Word Creation

A great activity for morning work, center work, partner practice, or for students who finish early. Students can practice creating compound words. (Grades 2-4)

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Activity: Ice Experiment

Nothing says winter like some ice! Let your students experiment to find out what happens to ice when it is put in water, salt, sugar, and left alone. Students will use the scientific method to work through this experiment and record their findings. (Grades K-5)

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Activity: New Year’s Resolutions- Goal Setting

Just like adults, our students need to set goals to strive for to be successful. Here’s a great activity for when you return to school that will help your students set SMART Goals for themselves to obtain in 2018. (Grades K-5)

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Printable: Rounding Spinner

Use this printable to create a spinner for your students to practice rounding. All they need is a pencil, paperclip, and this spinner wheel. First, they use the top spinner to create a 6-digit number. Next, they will spin to determine which place to round that number to, the nearest thousand, ten-thousand, or hundred-thousands place. (Ideal for grades 3-5)

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Activity: Holiday Traditions Writing

Children love to share about their lives and things they do with their families. What better way to celebrate the holidays in your classroom, than having your students share their family holiday traditions. Students will discuss traditions with others, write about their own traditions, and illustrate their writing. (Grades K-5)

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Activity: Holiday Science Experiments

Get your students thinking like a scientist this holiday season. Using these two brief experiments and printable data collection sheets your students will work through the Scientific Method. They will discover what happens to candy canes and gingerbread men when they are placed in various liquids. (Ideal for grades K-3)

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Text Features Printable

Use this printable to help your students to identify common features within a nonfiction text they are reading. Students will be required to identify both the purpose and an example of:  the author, words in bold print, use of glossaries, captions, title, and headings. There are two versions of this printable, one with the purpose filled in and the other with the purpose left blank. (Ideal for grades 1-5)

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Activity: Holiday Creative Writing

Get your students’ creative juices flowing this winter with our “Holiday Creative Writing” activity. Students will focus on the characters, setting, and using a story board to map out their ideas visually before they begin writing. (Ideal for grades K-5)

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Clock Printable

Use our clock printable to teach/practice the parts of a clock and telling time. This can be used as a craft, part of a lesson, or as part of a game on telling time! (Suggested for Grades 1-3)

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Activity: 12 Days of Kindness

Use this 12 day activity to help remind your students that during the holidays we all need to remember to be giving and not just focus on receiving. This activity will help your students to show 12 different acts of kindness. This activity comes with the tree and ornament printables to help your students showcase the kindness they share with others this holiday season!

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Activity: Class “Wall of Fame”

Help foster an environment of pride and support! Together with your class create a place to display work they are proud of. Work as a class to acknowledge each other’s strengths and build a community of students who support and encourage one another.

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Printable: Fraction Number Line Reference Sheet

Visual displays of fractions are a great way for your students to better conceptualize the size of a fraction. This number line printable is a great resource for comparing fractions and creating equivalent fractions. (Grades 2-5)

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Activity: Classroom Thanksgiving Friendship Feast

Why not help strengthen your classroom community with this Thanksgiving Friendship Feast? Your students will help to alter a recipe involving fractions, prepare food, and practice building positive social relationships with others, all while enjoy a nice meal as a class. (Suggested for Grades 1-7)

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Activity/Printable: Thankful Turkey Writing Activity

It’s time to give thanks! Use this Thankful Turkey printable to help your students express their ideas/feelings and elaborate using supporting details. They will have fun creating a turkey craft and pair it with a writing sample to be displayed in your classroom or sent home to parents. (Grades K-5)

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Activity Idea: Classroom Recipe Book

Get your students speaking, listening, and writing with this 20-40 minute activity! Geared for grades Kindergarten to Third Grade, but can easily be modified for the upper grades.

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Printable Resource: 0-20 Ten Frame Cards

Primary teachers, enjoy these 0-20 ten frame cards. Use these ten frame number cards for whole class or group practice of addition and subtraction.

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Thumbnail representing Closer Looking Gateway to Complex Text

Closer Looking: Gateway to Complex Text

This free prezi resource, Closer Looking: Gateway to teaching complex text, includes a model lesson and template for using any picture to teach main idea and details, finding evidence, and making inferences.  It’s ready to go!  All you need is paper, sticky notes, a projector, and some students.

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Closer Looking: Solar Eclipse Activity

Use pictures of the solar eclipse to get your students thinking like a scientist! This Prezi Closer Looking Lesson will  help to teach  your students the skill of Inferencing. (Adaptable for grades K-5)

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Printable Resource: Classroom Schedule and Logistics (Editable Pdf)

Enjoy this free editable Classroom Schedule & Logistics page to leave for your substitute. This unedited version will always be available to download.

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Illustration for the 5 Key Engagement Strategies E-Book

E-BOOK: 5 Key Engagement Strategies

5 key strategies for high student engagement and academic accountable talk addresses English Language Arts standards >> Speaking and Listening >> Grades K-12

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1 Hour Lesson: Kindergarten Fiction: Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse (Personal Connections and Guided Art)

Kindergarten 1-1.5 hour ELA lesson plan using the picture book Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. This lesson includes: a read aloud, identification of characters in the story, and a discussion centered around how the character of Lilly changes throughout the story and making connections to themselves.

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1 Hour Lesson: 1st Grade Geometry: Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes

First Grade, 1 hour math lesson plan addressing Geometry: attributes of two-dimensional shapes (1.G.A.1). These lessons include key geometry vocabulary, interactive math notes, and participate in guided and independent practice.

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1 Hour Lesson: 2nd/3rd Grade Closer Looking Lesson: Roller Coasters

Second/Third Grade, 1 hour “Closer Looking” lesson based on the analysis of two photographs. Students will have collaborative conversations asking and answer questions, analyze details, make inferences and compare & contrast the two photographs.

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1 Hour Lesson: 3rd Grade Place Value Rounding to the Nearest 10s Place

Third Grade 1 hour math lesson addressing Numbers and Operations in Base Ten: place value rounding to the nearest tens place place (3.NBT.A.1).This lesson includes: key place value vocabulary, helpful notes for reference, rounding three-digit numbers to the nearest 10s places using both a rounding rule and a vertical number line, guided and independent practice of concept.

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1 Hour Lesson: 4th/5th Grade Poetry: Star Spangled Banner (Key Details and Summary)

Fourth/Fifth Grade, 1 hour ELA lesson plan based around the historical poem, “Star Spangled Banner”, by Francis Scott Key. This lesson includes: close reading comprehension techniques (RL4.1, 4.2, 4.4 & RL.5.1, 5.2, 5.4) with a focus on key details, vocabulary, context clues, and summarizing.

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1 Hour Lesson: 5th Grade Place Value: Introduction to Vocabulary and Value of Digits Through the Thousandths Place

Fifth Grade 1 hour math lesson addressing Numbers and Operations in Base Ten: Place Value. This lesson is an introduction to necessary vocabulary and understanding the value of digits through the thousandths place (5.NBT.A.1). This lesson includes: key place value vocabulary, helpful notes for reference, guided and independent practice of concept and an exit slip for assessment purposes.

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Printable: Partner Protocols

Get your students effectively communicating with others using our 5 key engagement protocols. These will ensure all of your students are equally participating!

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