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Physical Science: “Learning with Legos

2nd Grade • 1 Lesson Plan
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Physical Science: “Learning with Legos

2nd Grade • 1 Lesson Plan

Physical Science, Science

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Disassemble a small set of matter and make it into something new.

Description: 1 hour 2nd Grade Physical Science Lesson answering the essential questions: "How does energy move through and effect matter?" and "What happens when pieces of solid matter are disassembled?"  

CCSS: NGSS.PS.1.1, CCSS.2.MD.A.1, CCSS.RL.2.2, CCSS.W.2.3


Physical Science: “Force is a Balancing Act”

Physical Science, Science

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Provide evidence to support the effects a balanced and unbalanced force has on an object.

Description: 1 Hour 3rd Grade Physical Science Lesson answering the essential questions, “How does energy move through and effect matter?" and "What are the effects of a balanced force vs an unbalanced force on matter?"

CCSS: NGSS.PS.1.1, CCSS.3.MD.A.2, CCSS.RI.3.1, CCSS.W.3.8


Physical Science: “Marble Matter Experiment”

Physical Science, Science

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Predict outcomes about changes in energy when objects collide.

Description: 1 Hour 4th Grade Physical Science Lesson answering the essential questions, “How does energy move through and effect matter?" and "How does energy change when objects collide?"

CCSS: NGSS P.S.1.1, CCSS 4.MD.B.4, CCSS. W.4.2, CCSS RI.4.2


Life Science “Animals Adapt to Survive”

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Life Science “Animals Adapt to Survive”

4th Grade • 1 Lesson Plan

Science, Life Science

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Identify and describe the internal and external structures of an organism that help them survive. Refer to details and examples in the shared text that ...

Description: 1 Hour 4th Grade Life Science Lesson answering the essential question, “What functions enable an organism to survive?”

CCSS: NGSS L.S.1.1, CCSS 4.G.A.3, CCSS. W.4.1, CCSS RI.4.1


Life Science: “A Plant’s Secret Weapon”

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Life Science: “A Plant’s Secret Weapon”

5th Grade • 1 Lesson Plan

Science, Life Science

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Support an argument that plants get materials they need from air and water.

Description: 1 Hour 5th Grade Life Science Lesson answering the essential question, “What functions enable an organism to survive?”

CCSS: NGSS.L.S.1.1, CCSS RI.5.1, CCSS 5.MD.A.1, CCSS W.5.1


Physical Science: “Gravity Games”

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Physical Science: “Gravity Games”

5th Grade • 1 Lesson Plan

Physical Science, Science

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: support an argument that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on an object is directed down.

Description: 1 Hour 5th Grade Physical Science Lesson answering the essential questions, “How does energy move through and effect matter?" and "How do energy forces exerted by Earth effect the objects it is directed towards?"

CCSS: NGSS.PS.1.1, CCSS W.5.1, CCSS RI.5.9, CCSS 7.EE.B.1
