Area Model Division with 2-Digit Divisors and Game
5th Grade • 1 Lesson PlanQuick Facts
Subject: Math, Numbers and Operations Fractions
Type: 1 Lesson Plan
Materials Needed:
Printable Resources:
CCSS: 5.NBT.6, MP2, MP4, MP6, MP7, & MP8
Lesson Plan Description
Nurturing a strong sense of number is so critical in 5th grade. As the math concepts become more complicated, the skill of explaining the “why” becomes much more important than the “how”. In this interactive lesson, your students engage in exploring the fundamentals of division using different strategies. They will:
- Collaborate with peers to practice the “language” of math, attend to precision and reason abstractly & quantitatively
- Practice using the area model, repeated subtraction and mental math to find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors
- Demonstrate their understanding of these skills by playing a game to create and solve problems in teams
- Complete an exit slip to help you determine instructional next steps