Spring Math Masterpiece
Spring Math Masterpiece
Seasonal/Holiday, Spring, Easter, Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Mini Lessons with Activity
Skills: Math, Art
Description: Ready to incorporate art in your math lesson? Students will need to solve varies types of equations (select types you are currently practicing) to reveal amounts of specific objects them must include in their own unique spring drawing. (Grades K-5)
Identifying Arithmetic Patterns
Identifying Arithmetic Patterns
Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table) and explain them using properties of operations Discover, look for and make use ...
Get your 3rd graders up and moving with this interactive, lightly scripted 1 hour math lesson on mathematical patterns. Grab it and have fun! Your students will:
CCSS: 3.OA.D.9, MP.7, SL.3.1.C
Solving Two Step Word Problems
Solving Two Step Word Problems
Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Work in collaborative partnerships Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification Practice key math ...
Bring some wacky word problems into your math instruction! ? In this engaging, lightly-scripted 60-minute lesson, your students will:
CCSS: 3.OA.8
Solving for Multiples and Factors & Determining Prime or Composite
Solving for Multiples and Factors & Determining Prime or Composite
Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Pose and respond to specific academic math questions to clarify or follow up on information and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link ...
Focus on the academic language of math and prime numbers with this interactive, engaging lightly scripted 1 hour lesson. Your 4th graders will:
CCSS: 4.OA.4, MP1, SL.4.1.C
Multi-Digit by Double-Digit Long Division
Multi-Digit by Double-Digit Long Division
Math, Numbers and Operations Fractions, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Collaborate with peers to practice the "language" of math in strategic and purposeful partnerships and take "math" notes Practice finding whole-number quotients of whole numbers ...
Long division can be challenging for our 5th graders...the more opportunities they have to practice with partners and explain their thinking helps build a strong and solid sense of number. Your students will:
Interpretation of Multiplication by Scaling
Interpretation of Multiplication by Scaling
Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Compare the size of a product to the size of one factor on the basis of the size of the other factor without performing the ...
Have fun teaching, reinforcing or introducing the concept of "scaling" for your 5th graders. In this lightly-scripted and engaging lesson they will:
CCSS: 5.NF.5, MP2, MP4, MP8