12 Days of Kindness- Valentine’s Day
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Kindergarten Grade • Craft, Freebies, Mini Lessons with ActivityQuick Facts
Subject: Seasonal/Holiday, Valentine's Day, Winter, Social Emotional
Type: Craft, Freebies, Mini Lessons with Activity
Skills: Holidays, Valentine's Day, Writing, Social Emotional, Speaking and Listening
Materials Needed: large construction paper (red, pink, and white) cut into strips
Printable Resources: “12 Days of Kindness” printables (2 pages per student) (3 versions available - black and white, color, and prewritten)
File Type: PDF
Lesson Plan Description
Spread the LOVE this Valentine’s Dat using this 12 day activity to help remind your students that we all need to remember to be giving and not just focus on receiving. This activity will help your students to show 12 different acts of kindness. This activity comes with heart printables for your students to fill out to help showcase the kindness they share with others!