“All About My Family” Family Tree
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Kindergarten Grade • Mini Lessons with ActivityQuick Facts
Subject: Beginning of the Year
Type: Mini Lessons with Activity
Materials Needed: book about families (digital read aloud list provided), pencil, colored/pencils/crayons/markers, scissors, glue stick
Printable Resources: “Family Tree” printables (2 pages per student)-email to students in PDF format
File Type: PDF
Lesson Plan Description
Help your students to share about their families and learn about their classmates’ families with this family tree activity. Adaptable for grades K-5.
Comes with:
Instructor directions
List of suggested read aloud books (includes links to online read aloud versions)
Student Family Tree printables (separate PDF version to send to students)
**This activity can be done virtually or in person.