Apple Math Mini Lesson & Activity
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ELL, Kindergarten Grade • Mini Lessons with ActivityQuick Facts
Subject: Seasonal/Holiday, Fall, Beginning of the Year, Math, Measurement and Data
Type: Mini Lessons with Activity
Materials Needed: 1 apple per child (you can assign the students to bring in an apple from home or buy enough apples (a variety) for each student, kitchen scale, measuring tapes, rulers, large bowl/sink of water, balance, marbles/blocks or items to counter on a balance, knife to cut apple (for teacher only), pencils, “Apple Math” printable, large paper for class graph, graphing paper for older grades.
Printable Resources: "Apples Math" student printable (1 copy per student)
File Type: PDF
Lesson Plan Description
K-2 Apples Math Mini Lesson is an activity that goes well after learning about the life cycle of an apple tree.
Students will conduct a series of measurement experiments to learn more about apples.