Thanksgiving Turkey Disguise
Thanksgiving Turkey Disguise
Seasonal/Holiday, Thanksgiving, Fall, ELA
Craft, Mini Lessons with Activity
Skills: Holidays, Listening & Speaking; Writing, Reading
Description: A fun art activity paired with creative writing to explain how turkeys escaped Thanksgiving dinner.
Thankful Turkey
Thankful Turkey
Seasonal/Holiday, Thanksgiving, Fall, ELA
Craft, Mini Lessons with Activity
Skills: Holidays, Listening & Speaking, and Writing (Supporting Details)
Description: It's time to give thanks! Use this Thankful Turkey printable to help your students express their ideas/feelings and elaborate using supporting details. They will have fun creating a turkey craft and pair it with a writing sample to be displayed in your classroom or sent home to parents. (Grades K-5)
Puffy Snowman Paint
Puffy Snowman Paint
Seasonal/Holiday, Winter Holidays, Winter, ELA
Craft, Mini Lessons with Activity
Skills: Holidays, Writing, Reading, Art
Description: Kids love to play in the snow in the winter! Why not bring the snow inside with this winter themed craft and writing activity? Use your favorite snow or winter themed picture book to kick off this activity and get students excited. This activity gives you the directions needed to make your own paint that will dry puffy and resemble snow! (Grades K-5)
12 Days of Kindness- Valentine’s Day
12 Days of Kindness- Valentine’s Day
Seasonal/Holiday, Valentine's Day, Winter, Social Emotional
Craft, Freebies, Mini Lessons with Activity
Skills: Holidays, Valentine's Day, Writing, Social Emotional, Speaking and Listening
Description: Spread the LOVE this Valentine's Dat using this 12 day activity to help remind your students that we all need to remember to be giving and not just focus on receiving. This activity will help your students to show 12 different acts of kindness. This activity comes with heart printables for your students to fill out to help showcase the kindness they share with others!
Addition Within 100 Bundle with Doughnut Craft
Addition Within 100 Bundle with Doughnut Craft
Math, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Craft, Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Collaborate with partners, practice key math vocabulary, add 2-digit plus 1 digit, 2-digit plus multiple of 10, explain their reasoning on why they had to ...
Reinforce number sense and understanding place value with strategic partner talk and art! In this bundle of 2 separate segments (60 minutes each) your 1st graders will:
CCSS: 1.NBT.2, 1.NBT.4
Solving Addition Word Problems: Ice Cream Craft
Solving Addition Word Problems: Ice Cream Craft
Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
1 Lesson Plan, Craft
Skills: Write number sentences to match a word problem Practice solving addition word problems through by drawing and creating an addition word problem Creating a picture ...
What do you get when you combine drawing and building ice cream sundaes (on paper) in a math lesson on solving problems? Fun! In this fully scripted 1 hour lesson your students will:
CCSS: K.OA.2, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.5