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Comparing Fractions Bundle with Game

4th Grade • Lesson Plan Bundle
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Comparing Fractions Bundle with Game

4th Grade • Lesson Plan Bundle

Math, Numbers and Operations Fractions

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Collaborate with peers to practice the "language" of fractions Attend to precision identify by identifying that  comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer ...

Description: Presenting 4th graders will multiple opportunities to interact and practice with fractions helps them "cement" their understanding that fractions represent equal parts of a whole.  In this interactive, engaging and lightly scripted bundle of 2 lessons (30-60 minutes each), your students will:

  • Collaborate with peers to practice the "language" of fractions
  • Attend to precision identify by identifying that  comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole
  • Compare two fractions by creating common numerators or common denominators
  • Generate equivalent fractions with a common denominator or numerator using multiplication
  • Record fraction comparisons using <, >, or =
  • Illustrate and justify fraction comparisons using visual models
  • Demonstrate their understanding of this skill by compare two fractions with different numerators and/or different denominators while playing the game "Compare the Pair"
  • Complete an exit slip to help you determine next instructional steps

CCSS: 4.NF.A.2


Multiplication: Area Models & Partial Products Bundle with Game

Math, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Collaborate with peers to practice the language of place value and take notes Review and practice multiplying whole numbers using the area model (up to ...

Description: Have fun reviewing, introducing or formatively assessing multi-digit multiplication with this interactive, engaging and lightly scripted bundle of 2 lessons (30-60 minutes each).  Your 4th graders will:

  • Collaborate with peers to practice the language of place value and take notes
  • Review and practice multiplying whole numbers using the area model (up to 4 digits by 1 digit  and 2 digit whole numbers and partial products)
  • Demonstrate their understanding by playing the game "Multiplication Jump Around" to practice multiplying a whole number of up to four digits by one-digit whole numbers or a two-digit number by another two-digit number



Multiplication: Area Models & Partial Products and Game

Math, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Collaborate with peers to practice the "language" of math in strategic and purposeful partnerships and take notes  Practice multiplying a whole number of up to ...

Description: Explaining the "why" of multi-digit multiplication can be challenging for our 5th graders.  Use this scripted bundle of 2 lessons (30-60 minutes each) as an introduction, review or practice for your students.  They will:

  • Collaborate with peers to practice the "language" of math in strategic and purposeful partnerships and take notes 
  • Practice multiplying a whole number of up to 4 and 3  digits by three digit whole numbers using the area model and partial products
  • Demonstrate their understanding of multiplying a whole number of up to four digits by three-digit whole numbers by playing the game "Multiplication Jump Around"
  • Complete an "exit ticket" to help drive your next instructional steps



Multiplying by Powers of Ten

Illustrated green math icon

Multiplying by Powers of Ten

5th Grade • Lesson Plan Bundle

Math, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Collaborate with peers to practice the "language" of math in strategic and purposeful partnerships and take "math" notes Practice identifying patterns in the zeros of ...

Description: Introduce, practice or review multiplying by powers of ten with this engaging and interactive bundle of 2 lessons (30-90 minutes each).  Your 5th graders will:

  • Collaborate with peers to practice the "language" of math in strategic and purposeful partnerships and take "math" notes
  • Practice identifying patterns in the zeros of a product when multiplying by a power of ten and multiply whole numbers by powers of ten in standard form using exponents to denote powers of ten
  • Demonstrate their understanding multiplying whole numbers by powers of ten as exponents with a base of 10o by playing the game, "Powers of Ten Race!"
  • Complete an "exit ticket" to help drive your next instructional steps



Addition Within 100 Bundle with Doughnut Craft

Illustrated green math icon

Addition Within 100 Bundle with Doughnut Craft

1st Grade • Craft, Lesson Plan Bundle

Math, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Craft, Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Collaborate with partners, practice key math vocabulary, add 2-digit plus 1 digit, 2-digit plus multiple of 10, explain their reasoning on why they had to ...

Description: Reinforce number sense and understanding place value with strategic partner talk and art!  In this bundle of 2 separate segments (60 minutes each) your 1st graders will:

  • Collaborate with partners, practice key math vocabulary, add 2-digit plus 1 digit, 2-digit plus multiple of 10, explain their reasoning on why they had to regroup when adding, and use drawings or base 10 blocks to represent their addition problem
  • Demonstrate their understanding of the concepts by adding 2-digit plus multiple of 10 and creating a donut craft representing tens and ones in an addition problem

CCSS: 1.NBT.2, 1.NBT.4


Addition with Unknown Numbers Bundle with Game

Illustrated green math icon

Addition with Unknown Numbers Bundle with Game

1st Grade • Lesson Plan Bundle

Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Collaborate using key academic math language, determine the unknown number in an addition equation relating 3 numbers by using manipulatives, count on to determine the ...

Description: We learn when we have fun!  Build number sense, addition/subtraction skills and much more in this bundle of 2 scripted math lessons.  Your 1st graders will:

  • Collaborate using key academic math language, determine the unknown number in an addition equation relating 3 numbers by using manipulatives, count on to determine the unknown number to make an addition equation true, and use subtraction to determine the unknown number to make an addition equation true
  • Demonstrate their understanding by playing 3 games - "How Many are Hiding?," "How Many Sprinkles," and "Missing Numbers - Around the Room"

CCSS: 1.OA.8
