Earth Science: “Earth’s Water”
5th Grade • 1 Lesson PlanQuick Facts
Subject: Science, Earth Science
Type: 1 Lesson Plan
Materials Needed: pencil & crayons/colored pencils, document camera or whiteboard
Printable Resources:
CCSS: NGSS 5-ES2-2, W.5.8, RI.5.7, 5.MD.B2
File Type: PDF
Lesson Plan Description
In this 1 hour 5th Grade Earth Science Lesson, your students will learn all about the sources and percentages of the Earth’s water.
Essential Question: “How and why is Earth constantly changing?”
Students will :
- Watch a short video
- Learn science vocabulary
- Learn about 10 sources of water on the Earth
- Create a project to display the data about Earth’s water
*This lesson includes optional cross curricular extension activities relating to ELA and math.