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Adding/Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators Bundle

5th Grade • Lesson Plan Bundle

Lesson Plan Description

Do your students need more practice with adding and subtracting mixed numbers with unlike denominators?  This bundle of lessons is perfect for you!  Developing a strong sense of number is imperative to applying this skill to real-life applications.  Your 5th graders will:

  • Segment 1: collaborate and use the “language” of place value and decimals in strategic, purposeful note-taking partnerships using both a bar model and multiplication in order to practice adding, subtracting, reducing and simplifying basic fractions with unlike denominators
  • Segment 2: solve more complex problems using mixed numbers with unlike denominators using bar models and multiplication
  • Segment 3: demonstrate their understanding of these critical concepts by playing a game requiring them to add/subtract fractions with unlike denominators, compare the sums or differences and complete an exit slip to help determine your next instructional steps

These lessons can be taught over the span of a half day or you can use the lessons independently, broken up over several days.