Geometry Bundle: Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes, Defining vs Non-defining Attributes, & Composite Shapes
1st Grade • Lesson Plan BundleQuick Facts
Subject: Geometry, Math
Type: Lesson Plan Bundle
Materials Needed:
Printable Resources:
CCSS: 1.G.A.1 , 1.G.A.2
File Type: PDF Document
Lesson Plan Description
Perfect for multilingual learners, this math lesson supports oral language development with strategic use of sentence frames and collaborative work. (And Mathematics IS it’s own language…) Throughout this bundle of 3 lessons, your students have multiple opportunities to practice geometric vocabulary with their peers while learning the attributes of 2D shapes. Your students will:
- Segment 1: Work in pairs with the support of sentence frames to practice the language of 2D shapes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided)
- Segment 2: distinguish between defining (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size) and create a t-chart and sort/draw objects by attribute.
- Segment 3: collaborate with partners to compare and contrast 2 dimensional shapes
***These lessons can be taught over the span of a half day or you can use the lessons independently, broken up over several days