Multiplication: Area Models & Partial Products and Game
5th Grade • Lesson Plan BundleQuick Facts
Subject: Math, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Type: Lesson Plan Bundle
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File Type: PDF Document
Lesson Plan Description
Have fun seeing what your students understand about place value and multiplication of multi-digit numbers with these interactive and fun lessons. Perfect for formative assessment, the resulting student work will help you plan your next steps in teaching. Your 5th graders will:
- Segment 1: collaborate with peers to practice the “language” of math in strategic and purposeful partnerships and take notes in order to practice multiplying a whole number of up to 4 and 3 digits by three digit whole numbers using the area model and partial products
- Segment 2: demonstrate their understanding of multiplying a whole number of up to four digits by three-digit whole numbers by playing the game “Multiplication Jump Around” and complete an “exit ticket” to help drive your next instructional steps
These lessons can be taught over the span of a half day or you can use the lessons independently, broken up over several days.