“Taking Cover,” by Jennifer Kaul pages 14-20 (1 copy for teacher)
For students: “Taking Cover,” by Jennifer Kaul (pages 21-24)
“Taking Cover Sequencing Design” 1 per student (page 26)
My Narrative Story 1-2 copies per student and 1 copy for display (page 27)
CCSS: RL.K.5, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, SL.K.5
Lesson Plan Description
Divided into 3 segments, this bundle of narrative lesson plans will give your students the opportunity to discover aspects NGSS standards using a narrative text. Students will:
Collaboratively ask and answer questions in order to determine the key details
Identify main characters and retell the story in their own word
Draw the sequence of events in the story
Write their own narrative based on personal experience