“Our Class is a Family” -Getting to Know You
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Kindergarten Grade • Mini Lessons with ActivityQuick Facts
Subject: Beginning of the Year
Type: Mini Lessons with Activity
Materials Needed: computer to show video read aloud of “Our Class is a Family,” pencil, colored pencils/crayons/markers. Optional- craft items like ribbon, buttons, string, beads etc.
Printable Resources: Printable Student Quilt Square (digital version to send to students)
File Type: PDF
Lesson Plan Description
Help your students to compare and contrast families and classes. Begin building your “class family” by creating a keepsake class quilt. Adaptable for grades K-5.
Comes with:
- Instructor directions
- Suggested read aloud (includes link to an online read aloud version)
- Student quilt square printable (separate PDF version to send to students)
**This activity can be done virtually or in person.