Solving Multi-Step Word Problems with Whole Numbers
4th Grade • 1 Lesson PlanQuick Facts
Subject: Math, Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Type: 1 Lesson Plan
Materials Needed:
Printable Resources:
CCSS: 4.OA.3, MP1, MP6
Lesson Plan Description
With a focus on the standards of math practice, this lesson provides multiple opportunities for your students to practice the many skills needed to solve multi-step word problems. Perfect as a review or formative assessment tool, your studens will:
- Collaborate, use perseverance and attention to precision
- Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies (rounding with an explanation of “why”)
- Make sense of problems and use to solve them,
- Solve multi-step word problems with whole numbers using the 4 operations
- Determine and interpret remainders when needed
- Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity
- Complete an exit slip to help you determine next instructional steps