Subtracting Multiples of 10 Bundle with Game
1st Grade • Lesson Plan BundleQuick Facts
Subject: Math, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Type: Lesson Plan Bundle
Materials Needed:
Printable Resources:
CCSS: 1.NBT.5, 1.NBT.6, 1.NBT.2.C
Lesson Plan Description
Learning how to add and subtract in different ways supports our students in creating a more solid understanding of number sense. In this fully scripted 2 segment math bundle your 1st graders will:
- Segment 1: collaborate with their peers by practicing subtracting multiples of 10 using number grids ten blocks, drawings or ten frames, explain their thinking and develop their understanding the value of using 10’s when adding or subtracting
- Segment 2: play a game “Take Away 10” to demonstrate their understanding of mental math using 10’s
This lesson includes an exit slip that will provide valuable instructional information to you regarding your students understanding of adding and subtracting using 10’s.