Subject: ELA

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“The Mendenhall Glacier” Informational: Cause and Effect & Summarizing

4th Grade • 1 Lesson Plan

ELA, Informational

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Work with partners to collaborate, ask and answer text dependent questions with the support of strategic sentence frames in order to... Practice using context clues ...


  • Integrating science standards and learning into the teaching of reading is the way to go! In this 4th Grade fully scripted 1 hour lesson based an informational text "The Mendenhall Glacier".  Your students will:
    • Work with partners to collaborate, ask and answer text dependent questions with the support of strategic sentence frames in order to...
    • Practice using context clues to determine meaning of unknown words
    • Synthesize key details in the text
    • Determine causes & effects
    • Create a visual comparison of glaciers and ice cubes

CCSS: RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4


“Native Americans” Informational Bundle

Illustrated ELA icon

“Native Americans” Informational Bundle

4th, 5th Grade • Lesson Plan Bundle

ELA, Informational

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Participate in a series of engaging close reading lessons with many opportunities to develop vocabulary through oral language practice Ask and answer text dependent questions ...

Description: Developing thoughtful, purposeful close reading lessons can be challenging!  We did the work for you!  Based on an informational text on Native Americans, in this bundle of  4 fully scripted lessons, your 4th graders will:

  • Participate in a series of engaging close reading lessons with many opportunities to develop vocabulary through oral language practice
  • Ask and answer text dependent questions in order to...
    • Identify key details and determining the meaning of unknown vocabulary using context clues
    • Practice comparing and contrasting
    • Write a summary
    • Demonstrate understanding of the information with a Bingo review game

CCSS: RI.4.1 RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.5 & RI.5.1, RI.5.2, RI.5.3, RI.5.4, RI.5.5


“Native Americans” Informational: Compare & Contrast

ELA, Informational

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Participate in a series of engaging close reading lessons with many opportunities to develop vocabulary through oral language practice Ask and answer text dependent questions ...

Description: Teaching writing skills through powerful and engaging informational texts is the way to go!  In this  1 hour fully scripted  informational text lesson your students will:

  • Participate in a series of engaging close reading lessons with many opportunities to develop vocabulary through oral language practice
  • Ask and answer text dependent questions in order to...
    • Identify key details and determining the meaning of unknown vocabulary using context clues
    • Practice comparing and contrasting

CCSS: RI.4.5 & RI.5.5


“Breaker Boys” Closer Looking Lesson: Inferencing

Closer Looking Lesson, ELA, Informational, Social Studies

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Participate in collaborative conversations asking and answering "text" dependent questions with the support of sentence frames Analyze and draw inferences using an historical photograph  

Description: We learn to infer from pictures first!  Perfect for multilingual students learning English, this  1 hour  fully scripted “Closer Looking” lesson is based on an analysis of  an historical photograph.  Students will:

  • Participate in collaborative conversations asking and answering "text" dependent questions with the support of sentence frames
  • Analyze and draw inferences using an historical photograph

CCSS: RI.4.1, SL.4.1, SL.4.2, SL.4.3


“The Mendenhall Glacier” Informational Text 4th Grade Bundle

ELA, Informational

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Work with partners to collaborate, ask and answer text dependent questions with the support of strategic sentence frames Brainstorm, plan and write their own informational ...

Description: We learn to infer from pictures first!  Perfect for multilingual children learning English, this 3rd Grade bundle of lessons (4 independent lessons 30-60 minutes each) is based around analysis of photographs and 2 informational texts.   Your students will:

  • Work with partners to collaborate, ask and answer text dependent questions with the support of strategic sentence frames
  • Brainstorm, plan and write their own informational "book" based on causes & effects
  • Participate in a science connection activity
  • Write a Haiku poem based on glaciers and ice cubes

CCSS: RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4


“The Mendenhall Glacier” Informational: Synthesizing Photographs & Text

ELA, Informational

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Work with partners to collaborate, ask and answer text dependent questions with the support of strategic sentence frames Use context clues to determine the meaning ...

Description: Perfect for multilingual students learning English, this 4th Grade 1 hour  fully scripted “Closer Looking”  and close reading lesson is based on an analysis of photographs and text.  We learn to infer from pictures first!  Your students will:

  • Work with partners to collaborate, ask and answer text dependent questions with the support of strategic sentence frames
  • Use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words and analyze for key details
  • Write a "book" that demonstrates their understanding of cause & effect and key details from the text

CCSS: RI.5.1, RI.5.2, RI.5.3, RI.5.4
