“The Crow and the Pitcher” 3rd Grade Fable Bundle
“The Crow and the Pitcher” 3rd Grade Fable Bundle
ELA, Fable, Literary
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Work with partners to collaborate, ask and answer text dependent questions with the support of strategic sentence frames Determine the key details and setting Create ...
Engaging students in reading and developing reading for meaning skills, this fully scripted bundle of lesson plans (4 separate segments 45-60 minutes each) is perfect for your 3rd graders! Using the fable "The Crow and the Pitcher" your students will:
CCSS: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3, RL.3.4
“The Crow and the Pitcher” Fable: Key Details, Vocabulary, & Setting
“The Crow and the Pitcher” Fable: Key Details, Vocabulary, & Setting
ELA, Fable, Literary
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Participate in a close reading of complex text by asking and answering text dependent questions with the support of sentence frames Use context clues to ...
Engaging students in reading and developing reading for meaning skills is a foundational goal for 3rd graders. This 1 hour fully scripted lesson will help your students understand the how and why of fables. Your students will:
CCSS: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, & RL.3.4
“The Crow and the Pitcher” Fable: Moral, Key Details, Plot, & Character Traits
“The Crow and the Pitcher” Fable: Moral, Key Details, Plot, & Character Traits
ELA, Fable, Literary
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Participate in a collaborative and active close reading lesson by asking and answering questions text dependent questions with the support of sentence frames Determine in ...
Engaging students in reading and developing reading for meaning skills is a foundational goal for 3rd graders. In this 3rd grade 1 hour fully scripted close reading lesson is based on the fable "The Crow and the Pitcher" your students will:
CCSS: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3
“Roller Coasters” Closer Looking Inferencing Lesson
“Roller Coasters” Closer Looking Inferencing Lesson
Closer Looking Lesson, ELA, Informational
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Participate in collaborative conversations by asking and answer questions using sentence frames Analyze details in order to make inferences Compare & contrast the two photographs.
Perfect for multilingual students learning English, this 1 hour fully scripted “Closer Looking” lesson is based on the analysis of two photographs. We learn to infer from pictures first! Students will:
CCSS: RI.2.1, R.I.2.9, SL.2.1,SL.2.3, SL.2.6 & RI.31, RI.3.9, SL.3.1, SL.3.3, SL.3.6
“The Crow and the Pitcher” 2nd Grade Fable Bundle
“The Crow and the Pitcher” 2nd Grade Fable Bundle
ELA, Fable, Literary
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Participate in a close read of complex text in order to: Answer text dependent questions Create of a graphic novel based on the fable Write ...
Perfect for building reading for meaning skills, this 2nd Grade fully scripted bundle of 3 lessons (30-60 minutes each) is based on the fable "The Crow and The Pitcher". Your students will:
CCSS: RL.2.1, RL.2.2
“Growth Cycle of Pumpkins” Informational: Sequencing
“Growth Cycle of Pumpkins” Informational: Sequencing
ELA, Informational
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: Participate in a close read and partner read of complex text Practice identifying key ideas & details Utilize a graphic organizer to identify the sequence ...
Perfect for building reading for meaning skills, this 2nd Grade fully scripted 1 hour lesson uses the informational text, "Growth Cycle of Pumpkins". Your students will:
CCSS: RI.2.1, RI.2.2, RI.2.3