Geometry: Defining vs. Non-defining Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes
1st Grade • 1 Lesson PlanQuick Facts
Subject: Geometry, Math
Type: 1 Lesson Plan
Materials Needed:
Printable Resources:
CCSS: 1.G.A.1
File Type: PDF Document
Lesson Plan Description
Geometry is fun to learn and pairing the math learning with a great book even better! Our brains are proven pattern seekers so the more we purposefully build connections as we teach, the better students will learn, apply and transfer the skills. In this lesson your “littles” will:
- Work in pairs to practice the language of math by identifying attributes of 2 dimensional shapes and key geometry vocabulary
- Practice taking notes for math learning in order to understand defining and non-defining attributes
- Distinguish between defining (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size)
- Create a t-chart and sort/draw objects by attribute.
**Purchasing both this 1 hour and the Math Bundle: Geometry Bundle: Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes, Defining vs Non-defining Attributes, & Composite Shapes,” will result in duplicated content.