“Actions that Help and Hurt” Informational Life Science: My Pledge to the Earth
Kindergarten • 1 Lesson PlanQuick Facts
Subject: ELA, Informational
Type: 1 Lesson Plan
- Participate in a shared reading to identify cause and effect relationships between the earth and human beings
- Collaborate, ask and answer questions about the text using sentence frames
- Create a pledge to the earth
- Optional extension activity - children pick up litter in their community
Materials Needed:
- Blank paper (1 per student)
- Pencils and crayons/colored pencils
- Document camera or whiteboard
Printable Resources: Required:
- 1 copy of the informational text, Actions That Help and Hurt, (color copy recommended)
CCSS: RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K.3, RI.K.4, RI.K.6, & W.K.2
File Type: PDF Document
Lesson Plan Description
This 1 hour fully scripted lesson includes a read aloud of a printable Informational Life Science text, “Actions that Help and Hurt,” by Jennifer Kaul, written in the format of a book. Students will:
- Ask and answer questions about the text in order to identify causes and effects using strategic partner talk and sentence frames
- Discuss how cause and effect is important to the topic of people and their relationship with the environment
- Identify a solution to a problem from the text
- Draw a picture and write a sentence about their pledge to the earth
- Optional real-life application – students can help pick up litter in their community to help the environment.
This lesson also addresses Kindergarten Life Science NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems Things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them. But they can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things. (secondary to K-ESS2-2),(K-ESS3-3)
**Purchasing both this 1 hour and the ELA Bundle: “Actions that Help and Hurt” Informational Life Science Bundle,” will result in duplicate content.