Measurement- Inches, Half Inches, and Quarter Inches Bundle
Measurement- Inches, Half Inches, and Quarter Inches Bundle
Math, Measurement and Data
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Collaborate with peers and practice the "language" of measurement, take math "notes" in order to review or investigate for the 1st time ways to measure ...
Introduce or reinforce measurement skills with your 3rd graders using this engaging and scripted bundle of 3 lessons (30-60 minutes each). They will:
CCSS: 3.MD.4
Tell and Write Time to the Nearest Five Minutes Bundle
Tell and Write Time to the Nearest Five Minutes Bundle
Math, Measurement and Data
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Practice identifying the hour and minute hands, read time on analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes and make their own clock to ...
Teaching time to 2nd graders with a "real" clock can be a challenge in this digital world. We learn when we play and talk about our learning! In this highly engaging and interactive bundle of 3 scripted lessons (30-60 minutes each) your students will:
CCSS: 2.MD.7
Telling Time to the Nearest Hour & Half Hour Bundle
Telling Time to the Nearest Hour & Half Hour Bundle
Math, Measurement and Data
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Identify the hour and minute hands, read time on both an analog and digital clock to the hour and make their own clock to tell ...
Teaching time to 1st graders with a "real" clock can be a challenge in this digital world. We learn when we play and talk about our learning! In this highly engaging and interactive bundle of 3 lessons (30-60 minutes each) your students will:
CCSS: 1.MD.3
“Chrysanthemum” Counting & Patterning Bundle
“Chrysanthemum” Counting & Patterning Bundle
Counting and Cardinality, Math, Measurement and Data
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Participate in a read aloud of the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes, Draw a chrysanthemum flower and write their name above their drawing Count the ...
Engage your "little's" in mathematical concepts with engaging text, strategic partner work and guided art! In this fully scripted bundle of lessons, your students will:
CCSS: K.CC.3, K.MD.3, & Mathematical Practice 7
“Recess Queen” Creating Surveys
“Recess Queen” Creating Surveys
Math, Measurement and Data
1 Lesson Plan
Skills: 1 hour math lesson! Your "little's" will: Participate in an interactive read aloud of Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill Practicing taking surveys with "live" class ...
Literacy, Math and Recess Time...bring them together for an engaging fully scripted 1 hour math lesson! Your "little's" will:
“Recess Queen” Creating Surveys & Making Equal Groups Bundle
“Recess Queen” Creating Surveys & Making Equal Groups Bundle
Counting and Cardinality, Math, Measurement and Data
Lesson Plan Bundle
Skills: Teaching the skill to analyze groups of numbers to little people can be very challenging! In this bundle of 3 fully scripted integrated literacy and ...
Teaching the skill to analyze groups of numbers to little people can be very challenging! In this bundle of 3 fully scripted integrated literacy and math lessons, your students will:
CCSS: K.MD.3 & K.CC.6