Archives: Downloads

“Recess Queen” Literary: Inferencing and Character Study

Kindergarten • 1 Lesson Plan

ELA, Literary

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Identify the main charter in the story, make inferences about the main character, and make connections to both the story and the character. Create a ...

Description: Fully scripted 1 hour lesson based on the book Recess Queen, by Alexis O’Neill.  Students will:

  • Participate in a shared read in order to make inferences about the main character
  • Write a "book" giving the main character of the story suggestions on how to change and be a better friend

CCSS: RL.K.2, RL.K.7, RL.K.10


Chrysanthemums: Closer Looking Inferencing Lesson

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Chrysanthemums: Closer Looking Inferencing Lesson

Kindergarten • 1 Lesson Plan

Closer Looking Lesson, ELA, Informational

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Participate collaborative conversations by asking and answer questions using sentence frames Analyze details and make inferences Compare & contrast the two photographs using a mind ...

Description: Perfect for English Language Learners, this fully scripted Kindergarten/First Grade, 1 hour "Closer Looking" lesson is based on the analysis of two photographs. Students will:

  • Participate collaborative conversations by asking and answer questions using sentence frames
  • Analyze details and make inferences
  • Compare & contrast the two photographs using a mind design

CCSS: RI.K.1, RI.K.3, RI.K.7, RI.K.9, SL.K.1, SL.K.2 & RI.1.1, RI.1.3, RI.1.7, RI.1.9, SL.1.1, SL.1.2


“Recess Queen” Literary: Letter/Sound Correspondence Rr

ELA, Literary

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Letter/Sound Correspondence (Rr)

Description: Kindergarten, 1 hour ELA lesson plan using the picture book Recess Queen, by Alexis O’Neill This lesson includes: a read aloud and practicing letter sound correspondence: Rr.



“Firefighters” Informational Writing: Describing Firefighters

ELA, Informational

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Targeted oral language practice to describe information Writing and drawing in a Brainstorming Design with partners or individually

Description: Scripted 1 hour  informational writing lesson based on the text "Firefighters" includes:

  • Read aloud with guided oral practice describing firefighters
  • Brainstorm and write words/sentences using a Brainstorming Design

CCSS: RI.K.3, W.K.2, SL.K.1, SL.K.4


“Firefighters” Informational Bundle

Illustrated ELA icon

“Firefighters” Informational Bundle

Kindergarten • Lesson Plan Bundle

ELA, Informational

Lesson Plan Bundle

Skills: Segment 1: identify text features to help determine word meaning. Segment 2: students collaborate to complete a brainstorming design about firefighter characteristics. Segment 3: students ...

Description: Bundle of 3 scripted lesson plans (30-60 minutes each) based on an short informational text about firefighters.  Includes printables.

CCSS: RI.K.3, RI.K.4, RI.K.6


“Apples” Informational: Text Features and Adjectives

ELA, Informational

1 Lesson Plan

Skills: Building reading for meaning, in this 1 hour fully scripted close reading lesson based on an informational text based on an informational text, “Apples” your ...

Description: Building reading for meaning, in this 1 hour fully scripted close reading lesson based on an informational text based on an informational text, “Apples” your students will:

  • Participate in an interactive shared read aloud of the  informational text, “Apples”
  • Practice identifying informational text features (bold words & headings)
  • Build language with sentence frame supports to determine adjectives to describe apples

CCSS: RI.K.4, RI.K.6
